Centralized Design System

A case study in establishing a consistent new UI and getting stakeholder alignment

Greg Robleto
Aug 19, 2021
The Challenge
Every new product was slower to design and develop because it had its own style treatments. This further caused confusion for users as the site experienced changes between sections or pages.
The Solution
I advocated for and managed the build-out of a centralized design pattern system and component library that would expedite the design and development process with shared patterns that would make the site experience more consistent.
An atomic design structured pattern library in Figma and Sketch that is mirrored in coded components in Storybook now has all design and developers working from the same common set of assets.

Utilizing the new design system, the time to market and resource costs required for a new product dropped by 92%.

Get in touch for more details.




Greg Robleto

Creative leader at the intersection of design, product, and tech. Writing mostly about design, CSS, product strategy, leadership, investing, and more.