Three Decades, Three Influences to Owning My Financial Future
When it comes to your finances, who are your influences?
My answer would depend upon when you are asking.
I wish I could say my first financial advisor, but I found him shady and didn’t stay with him long. But, his hard-press tactics did open my eyes to how much I didn’t know about finances and investing.
So, I started learning on my own. Over three decades, my priorities have shifted, and so too have my influences, but I owe a lot to these people:
The 2000s — David and Tom Gardner
Before I worked at The Motley Fool, I was reading the books: You Have More Thank You Think and Rule Breakers, Rule Makers were two inspirations to get me started in the world of investing at a young age where I could appreciate the power of compounding.
The 2010s — Dave Ramsey
With the ushering in of the 2010s, I became a father and provider and realized I needed to get my house in better order. The reinforcement of the Baby Steps on his podcast and reading The Total Money Makeover were key to getting personal finances squared away.
The 2020s — Morgan Housel
Morgan and I, at one point, were colleagues at the Fool. Even before working in the same office, I regularly read his column and attended his conference talks. Through the turbulent market we’ve had so far this decade, Morgan’s writings on behavioral science in The Psychology of Money meet my current need to focus on the investing mindset. I look forward to his new book, Same as Ever, coming soon.
Many others get honorable mentions, including:
- David Bach (Smart Couples Finish Rich and The Automatic Millionaire)
- Rose Han (Investing with Rose)
- Robert Kiyosaki (Rich Dad, Poor Dad)
- Carl Richards (The One Page Financial Plan)
- Katie Gatti Tassin (Money with Katie)
- Farnoosh Torabi (So Money)
- Chris Hill (Motley Fool Money)
and more still, I am sure I have forgotten. So many people have inspired me at the right moments in my financial and investing journey.
Who is missing from this list?
Who are the inspirations that have helped you?